Owner to retain the ultimate power of interpretation. 斑竹保留最终解释权。
Article written by author has the ultimate power of interpretation. 作者所写的所有文章有最终的解释权。
Despite the acquiescence of judiciaries power of legal interpretation of individual cases in Chinas judicial practice, such a power has not yet been legally prescribed and theoretically supported. 法律解释是指对法律规范的内部涵义及适用范围等有关问题所作的阐明,其根本目的在于统&而准确地理解和运用法律。
Organizing committee has the ultimate power of interpretation. 大赛组委会拥有对活动的最终解释权。
The judiciary had the power of legal interpretation for a time. 罗马的司法者一度拥有法律解释权。
In sharp contrast with high level concern about Roman law, the distribution of Roman law's power of legal interpretation has not been given due attention. 与罗马法受到高度关注形成鲜明对比的是,罗马法中法律解释权的配置问题没有受到应有的重视。
The Rules enters into effect on October 3, 2003, and the power of the interpretation rests with the China Banking Regulatory Commission. 本办法自2003年10月3日起施行,并由中国银行业监督管理委员会负责解释。
The power of interpretation of this announcement to AVIVA right holder. 本公告的解释权归于薇拉摄影权利人。
The reasons are those: ( 1) Administration holds the power of legal interpretation violates the principle of power abruption. 原因在于:(1)行政机关行使法律解释权违背权力分立的原则。
The founder of the team has the power of final interpretation and decision-making power. 球队组建者保留任何最终解释权及决定权。
The power of judicial interpretation, is an important part of judicial power, and it's configuration is reasonable or not, is directly related to the realization of judicial: function and effect. 司法解释权是司法权的重要组成部分,它的配置合理与否,直接关系到司法功能的实现及效果。
This article also analyses the necessity and significance to vest judges with the power of judicial interpretation and raises some questions which should be paid attention to while implementing the rule. 文章还分析了实行法官解释制度的必要性及其意义,提出了实行法官解释制度应注意的问题。
Study on Judicial Power of Interpretation 司法解释权研究
This kind of analysis helps us to understand the judicial power of interpretation more deeply. 这种分析有助于我们更加深入地理解司法解释权。
The Power of Judicial Interpretation based upon misunderstanding has no constitutional basis, which not only erodes junior courts 'jurisdiction but also infringes legislative, baffling the development of constitutionalism. 基于误解而形成的最高法院“司法解释权”缺乏宪法依据,它既侵蚀了下级法院的司法权,又对立法机关的立法权构成侵犯,而且还阻碍了宪政的发展。
Enacting the Law will change the confusion existed in the previous system and law about the power of legal interpretation and afford a clear legal basis for the running of the new system, then promote the incessant improving of the whole legal interpretation system. 《法律解释法》的制定将改变我国以前法律解释权制度及立法的混乱状况,使新的法律解释权制度的运作有一个明确的法律依据,以促进整个法律解释制度的不断完善。
The power of legal interpretation is the power, not the right. 法律解释权是权力而非权利,它是特定主体所享有的对法律和事实进行解释说明的权力。
The power of legal interpretation should be taken by judges and the Supreme Court's institution of legal interpretation, namely the basic form of it consists of the interpretation power in single case and the uniform interpretation power. 法律解释权应当由法官和最高人民法院法律解释机构享有,即法律解释权包括两种基本形式:个案解释权和统一解释权。
On Judges 'Power of Interpretation of Laws in Investigation of Administrative Judicature 论法官在行政司法审查中的法律解释权
This passage makes a definition for the judicial interpretation of legislation by illuminating the concept and the origin of the power of judicial interpretation, and the limits between the judicial interpretation and legislative. 本文通过对司法解释的概念及其权力来源,立法权与司法解释之间的界限的阐述,为司法解释立法化做出一个较为清晰的定义。
The legal obstacles include the lack of applicability of Constitution, the power of interpretation of Constitution and interpretation of law was separated from the apply of law, and the ill-matched between commonly law and system of the supervising of Constitution. 同时,宪法缺乏可适用性、宪法和法律的解释权与法律适用相分离以及普通法律与宪法监督制度不配套乃是阻碍法律违宪审查制在中国建立的法律障碍。
At present, more and more nations entrust the power of interpretation of law to courts or judges by legislation. 目前,越来越多的国家在立法上赋予法院或法官解释法律的权力。
This article started with the precedent "advisory opinion ban" established in 1793, and argued that the mode of constitutional interpretation must suit the functions of the organ which had the power of interpretation. 通过对美国1793年确立的禁止咨询意见原则的探究可知,宪法解释模式的选择必须与宪法解释机关的功能相适应。
The power of legal interpretation and legislative power are both exercised according to law, they both create criterion, both distribute the rights and obligations of relative person, and justice is their common the highest aim. 法律解释权和立法权都是依法行使的权力,都在创制规范,分配相对人的权利和义务,并以正义为自己的最高追求目标。
As well as the phenomenon of the world, the right to define the power of interpretation of the truth, or even control over the fate of the others. 对传媒的控制权意味着对话语权的支配权,以及对这个世界现象、真相的界定权与解释权,甚至是对他人命运的掌控权。
Japan very early on "power of interpretation" makes provision, although there are repeated, but in the end be clearly defined in legislation, and is widely used in civil cases. 日本很早就对释明权作出了规定,虽然有反复,但最终在立法上予以明确规定,并广泛应用于民事案件中。
Lastly, only judiciary can hold the power of legal interpretation. 最后,只有司法机关能够行使法律解释权。
And admitting that the judge has the power of interpretation in the case does not mean its free and random existence and development. 承认法官在个案中拥有解释权并不是意味着任其自由和随意的存在与发展。
On the current rural social structure, Xiao-tong Fei refining society of acquaintances, still has some power and explanatory power of interpretation. 就当前农村的社会结构而言,费孝通先生提出的熟人社会①尚具有一定的阐释权和解释力。